MTII has supporters throughout Florida that proudly support for rider education by displaying our brochures and posters. When you visit one of our supporters take a moment to let them know how valuable their support is to you as a rider. We thank all our supporters for what they do for the motorcycle community.
If your business supports rider safety and education, contact MTII about how you can become a supporter or sponsor.
MTII has many sponsors and supporters who wholeheartedly support MTII and are dedicated to rider education and the motorcycling community.
In today's economy motorcycles and motorcycling are an economical and environmentally good choice as an alternative means of transportation. To help, MTII offers the Financial Aid Program.
Community involvement since 1998. MTII participates locally and nationally in special events supporting and promoting motorcycle safety and awareness. Want to see us at your next motorcycle event to promote rider education and safety give us a call.
MTII has supporters throughout Florida that proudly support for rider education by displaying our brochures and posters. When you visit one of our supporters take a moment to let them know how valuable their support is to you as a rider.