Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth! Offering in-week and weekend training for the Basic RiderCourse and 3 Wheel RiderCourse.
Classes are filling quick! See the full schedule of classes now by clicking below!
Broward Motorsports of Fort Lauderdale is offering their Basic RiderCourse at our Sheridan Tech Training Center in West Broward. Get a VIP tour of the dealership on your first class day and complete your state required knowledge test at their massive location on Sunrise Blvd immediately west of I-95.
Do the classroom online at your pace before the first riding day. You will meet your peers and have a VIP tour of the dealership and take the licensing knowledge exam. The riding is conducted at Palm Beach State College.
The basic courses are for novice riders offering anyone the opportunity to learn to ride a motorcycle. For two wheel training we offer the Basic RiderCourse and for three wheel we offer the 3 Wheel Basic RicerCourse. The Basic Bike Bonding RiderCourse is offered as additional two wheel practice after completing the Basic RiderCourse.
MTII has several courses offering riders the opportunity to improve skills. For those who have completed the Basic RiderCourse or who want to brush up on their skills we offer the Basic RiderCourse 2 as an entry into practince on your own motorcycle. You can also step up the challenge with the Advanced RiderCourse or the Ultimate Bike Bonding RiderCourse.
Our Learn to Ride 3 Wheel course is sponsored and provided by our partner BRP/Can-Am. Riding brand new Can-Am 3 Wheel motorcycles you will learn the basic operations of these exciting machines. To take advantage of this amazing deal you click now!
In today's economy motorcycles and motorcycling are an economical and environmentally good choice as an alternative means of transportation. To help, MTII offers the Financial Aid Program.
Community involvement since 1998. MTII participates locally and nationally in special events supporting and promoting motorcycle safety and awareness. Want to see us at your next motorcycle event to promote rider education and safety give us a call.
MTII has supporters throughout Florida that proudly support for rider education by displaying our brochures and posters. When you visit one of our supporters take a moment to let them know how valuable their support is to you as a rider.